Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Reilly and Michael

"You wanna lay of the panic attacks? They're really killing us yanno. What's the deal with them anyway?"
"Why are you even asking? You already know everything I know. Why don't you just leave me alone."
"I'm not asking for my benefit, maybe you need to hear it too. And why don't you leave me alone, just stop talking to me?"
"I'm not even sure which one us is fake anymore, It'd be like cutting part of my body off. And besides we've seen people with worse attacks than these, consider ourself lucky."
"Yeah I'm not saying we should be getting a bunch of sympathy but these never happened to us before. Why now?"
"I don't know."
"Yes we do. Anyway, how long has it been since we've taken medication?"
"Define medication."
"Pharmaceutical drugs. The ones you're prescribed by doctors idiot. You know what I mean, stop trying to be clever."
"Now how am I feeling about that?"
"I was feeling terrific at first. These past few days however; there just hasn't been any breath in my lungs, my heart won't slow, sleep comes about as easily as the truth comes forward."
"How long has it been since we've gotten laid?"
"Fuck you."
"That is the idea now, isn't it?"
"Don't be such a fucking prick, don't regard things like that so lightly."
"Ok. Then don't"
"You remember that test I took in the hospital tha-"
"Said I had schizophrenic tendencies? Haha yeah. Why?"
"You don't think it could be right at all do you? I mean I answered the questions like I always answer personality tests, Putting down what I know they want to hear."
"Nah, I'm not schizophrenic. Just fucking stressed for reasons beyond one's control."
"Yeah. I told myself I was sick and I got sick. I told myself I had a problem and I developed a problem. Start telling yourself you're fucking happy for once"
"I'll try."

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