You always see lots of out of state license plates in a college town. Once you begin to recognize the different traits and driving habits that each state holds, you begin to judge each individual in their vehicle. Hating someone without a face, just a stamp of association, is much easier. Yell some obscenities and forget about it, the most simplest of actions. "Hey! Fuck you, asshole!... So where do you want to go to dinner, Honey?" These situations are as effortless as opening a door, but no less necessary. There's construction on the road today. The sky drunkenly walks a fine line between overcast and joyous. We are subject to other's objective thoughts, cursed by our brothers and sisters as we speed down another dark road with illy given directions. Seeing how long my eyes can "safely" wander from the road I stare out the window, my gaze fixes on a car crash that I hope has no survivors the same way I would appreciate a flower in passing. We gather for communion of destruction, craving disaster just so that we can feel something for once. I want to feel something, anything. The warmth of an embrace, the passion of Love, the sharpness of Hate. All I experience is the vague sense of numbness spreading as the darkness begins to fade, the light will reveal our selfish manner.
" 'But this road doesn't go anywhere,' I told him.
'That doesn't matter.'
'What does?' I asked, after a little while.
'Just that we're on it, dude,' he said. ”
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