Saturday, May 22, 2010


i cut my nails too short
and thought of you

i was burning up in my car
and thought of you grandma

i was caught damned and dancing
and thought of my sister

i took care of the ones closest
and thought of you mother

i drank on a weeknight
and thought of bukowski

i made mistakes
i have fucked my life up
i thought none of it
and i thought of you father
i thought of you


  1. i suppose this isn't the most positive thing ever... but i am in love with it. you are so talented.

  2. I agree with Jenny. I do want to say though, that I do not believe it is possible to truly eff a life up. At times I believed I had and I've known others who thought theirs was, but the next day life was there waiting, ready to present a different perspective.

  3. mm. this is one of those poems that lingers in your mind well after reading it. a few hours from now, i will be thinking to myself and be talking to myself in my head using the same style of voice as you did in this poem. if that makes any sense..

  4. i dont think i ultimately "effed" up my life. i just see myself making mistakes that dad had i guess. thanks jenny, mom, and natalie.
    bada bing.

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