Thursday, April 29, 2010


the feelings have never stopped, at times they simply change form.
but they never ceased.
you are a gem.
i count myself lucky everyday for having met you.

Friday, April 23, 2010


amphetamines do not sharpen the mind at all
this is a common misconception
no they merely dull it
speeding it up
so that you may be more productive
benefiting the whole

damn the whole
compliance will not come easily
i will speak willfully until my throat is left cracked and dry
until i choke on my own blood
tasting the iron within it
and i will spit in the face of society

Monday, April 19, 2010

bodily obsession

individual blades of grass run through my fingers
warmth comes from all sides

we are seemingly alone
we are surrounded by constant reminders of humanity

the earth is all we will ever need
we are just animals

suppressing my savage thoughts is what is expected
but it comes less and less natural everyday

my thoughts are no longer dangerous towards myself
but everyone else should be worried

Monday, April 12, 2010

my paradigm is shifting once more

my mind has always been longing and aching for something else
whether it is a body that used to be able to keep up with the sun
or a mind that does not stop
my hard times are self distorted
i do not wish i was this way
no more is this sorrow paying off the way it had used to
art and responsibility do not go hand in hand
unless they are quarreling with one another
i hope i can find a way to make this work
until then i do not know who i am